Lead Pastor
William (Bill) Miller
Bill loves Jesus, is very relational, and loves to talk about anything you might want to shoot the breeze about over coffee, or lunch, or both! Most days you’ll find him meeting with, talking with, praying with, or fellowshipping with somebody. He and Lynette have a small ranch just outside the city limits where they raise sheep, chickens, lavender, and garden the heck out of their small plot. They love people and doing life together with others in community.

Youth Pastor
Jeremy Lange
Born 1978 in Sonora, California. A simple auto biography of sorts.
Decided to turn from my wicked ways and follow Jesus at the age of 4 and have been learning the ways of my Mentor ever since. The goal is to be more like Him. I must confess that I have had moments of weakness and have fallen to temptation and traded a little life in the moment for more trouble than its worth in the long run, but every time I get up, brush myself off and keep on the journey of the straight and narrow. I have learned that it is not an easy road, it is not for the faint of heart but that it is very hard. I have also learned that there is not much in life that comes easy and is still worth much. The harder something is often times the greater the reward at the end.
Some random info on my life.
Kind of randomly was in a hard core, funk, punk band from age 18-21. Our last tour was from Mexico to Canada up the west coast, 58 shows in 3 months. I played bass and did backup vocals.
Followed one of my passions that started at the age of 4 of skiing. Now I am blessed to share that passion with many others coaching them in their skiing and snowboarding. One way is serving with SFC Snoqualmie Pass.
At the age of 12 decided to save myself for my future wife and not even kiss another girl till marriage. Only with Gods help and a lot of self-control was able to do this. Now I have a beautiful wife who is the love of my life since February 29, 2004. Now we have 4 wonderful children who help keep me sane.
For 13 years served in ministry with Youth With A Mission Denver aka YWAM. Serving in as many ways possible from mentoring to leading teams overseas to speaking internationally. The fact that we got to serve in over 25 countries fulfilled a bit of a dream for me.
Served as a youth pastor when I was 23-25 years old in Denver while a missionary.
In South Africa I saw the most extravagant act of generosity, got to chase a rhino on foot as well as was bit by a penguin. I never said I was the smartest person, ha ha.
Some of my biggest struggles are: being a work-a-holic – it’s kind of like an escape for me, pride/spiritual pride - somehow I think that I am in control instead of God, lack of faith that God will do what He says - even though God has always proven to be faithful. Again I am humbled by writing these and maybe it’s helping my pride issue. I have been learning valuable insight on generosity and overcoming the poverty mentality that I sometimes have.
I do not like coffee, but I enjoy a good chai. I like to think that my life is an open book, just ask and I will do my best to share.
All in all the credit goes to Jesus without His example and influence in my life I would not be where I am now. Thanks for the opportunity to serve in this way.