He tends his flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart. Isaiah 40:11
We invite you to serve! It’s a blessing and a privilege to tend those that God carries close to his heart.
People most commonly help one Sunday a month in their preferred age groups, but you can be scheduled less or more often. The schedule is sent out every two months, and a reminder text will be sent during the week before you serve. We ask that if your scheduled time does not work for you, that you switch with someone or ask Jean for names of subs. Volunteers are also asked to attend training in the Fall, and to meet these requirements:
*Age 7th grade or older
*Growing relationship with Jesus
*Attend Wellspring regularly
*Completed background check
*Love in your heart for children
TEACHERS are prayerfully chosen and their character and ability must be known to the Children’s Pastor.
INTERESTED IN SERVING? Submit your name, contact info, and indicate your interest in Children’s Ministry at Contact Us and the Children’s Pastor will contact you 🙂